The Benefits of Bell Peppers for Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers?
If you’re a fan of bell peppers you might have wondered if you can share them with your dog. Bell peppers are very healthy for us and provide great benefits, but does the same go for dogs? This light and crunchy vegetable is safe for your dog to eat! However, only red bell peppers are recommended to give to dogs. This is because they have the highest amount of nutrients compared to other bell peppers. Despite them being red, they actually aren’t spicy and your dog may love them!
Red bell peppers are surprisingly very healthy for dogs. They are full of vitamin A, C, & E, and have tons of antioxidants. Because red bell peppers have the highest amount of vitamins and nutrients compared to other bell peppers, they are wonderful for your dog's immune system. They even act as an anti-inflammatory which is great for older dogs with arthritis. Red bell peppers have 9 times the amount of beta carotene than the yellow or green options! This is especially good because beta carotene gets converted into vitamin A inside the body. Thus benefiting your dog's eye, skin, and coat health. If you’re looking for a healthy way to better your dog's health, red bell peppers are a great option!
The outer skin on a bell pepper may be too hard for your dog to chew. If this is the case, try steaming the pepper to soften it. You can even puree bell peppers for your dog to enjoy. Make sure that you are feeding your dog plain bell peppers that are not cooked with onion, garlic, or seasonings. These additives are harmful to dogs, a plain red bell pepper is perfect!
For smaller dogs, offer 1-3 slices a day. If you have a large dog, up to half a bell pepper a day can be beneficial. These are a great low-calorie treat and your dog doesn’t need a ton to get the benefits. Start off with small amounts and see how your dog reacts!
Only give your dog a small amount of red bell pepper to start slowly. Never give your dog spicy peppers, they contain capsaicin which can cause irritations. This healthy vegetable is a great treat alternative but always speak to your vet before adding human food into your dog's diet.
You can find a healthy amount of red bell pepper in both of our Dehydrated Base Mixes! Find them here!